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More than 1,530 tons of packaged unit capacity with DualCool installed since 2001
2001Rocklin Trane office
2012Clovis Police Department
Trane is one of the largest manufacturers of cooling equipment worldwide. ICI has partnered with Trane for advanced cooling system applications since 1997 when a Trane chiller was incorporated on the Vacaville CA building now occupied by ICI.
The first (and still-operating) DualCool® installation was completed in 2001 on a Trane Voyager unit at the Trane Sacramento office in Rocklin, CA. The Davis Energy Group completed detailed monitoring on this unit in the summer of 2001. The results were impressive for an office application (45 hours/week occupancy compared to 168 for 24/7 “big-box” retail). DualCool caused 55% demand reduction in 105°F outdoor air, because DualCool’s capacity increase eliminated the need for second-stage cooling. Projected annual energy savings were 440 kWh/yr-ton, without any blower speed reduction.
The results were impressive: DualCool® caused 55% demand reduction in 105°F outdoor air. Projected annual energy savings were 440 kWh/yr-ton, without any blower speed reduction.
Since 2001 ICI and Trane have partnered in the completion of more than 1530 tons of packaged unit capacity with DualCool, in unit sizes ranging from 3 to 130 tons. These installations have been completed for a range of applications including retail, offices, and industry.
Trane operates multiple “Third Party” Energy Efficiency Programs supported by the California investor-owned utilities. In these programs, Trane often delivers bundled energy-efficiency solutions that are customized to maximize cost-effectiveness for the customer while contributing to California’s aggressive energy program goals. DualCool frequently fits the customer’s cost-effectiveness requirements in these programs.
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