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ICI has partnered with Target and California electric utilities to test and demonstrate evolving DualCool® designs since 2001. The first DualCool for Target was placed on a 13-ton rooftop unit at the El Cajon store. This project was a demonstration supported by the San Diego Gas and Electric Company under the “Cross-Cutting Demand Reduction Program” sponsored by the California Public Utilities Commission. Project data showed more than 6 kW peak reduction and annual savings more than double the original estimate. The project was part of 300 tons of DualCool installations for Target during the CPUC program. Later monitoring on two stores in milder PG&E territory showed annual savings above predictions at 660 kWh/ton-year, and total demand reduction of 0.31 kW/ton average. Target also participated in the 2007-2008 “Big Box Cool and Light Program” organized by Energy Solutions of Oakland CA where DualCool was installed on 240 tons of HVAC equipment on Target stores in PG&E territory.
More than 6 kW peak reduction and annual
savings more than double the original estimate.
A new Target store in Davis CA served as demonstration site for the first “Generation 2” DualCool field units in 2010. The Western Cooling Efficiency Center monitored DualCool performance at this site and reported more than 50% efficiency improvement compared to the base case at 95°F outdoor temperature. A 2012 installation of “Gen 2” DualCool units on a Palmdale CA Target store serves 227 tons of equipment. Projected results indicate 0.37 kW/ton and 674 kWh/ton-yr demand reduction and annual energy savings, respectively. The Palmdale Target store was the first demonstration site of the new DualCool “piano-hinged stainless skirt” design for rooftop units with inward-sloping condenser coils. This attractive new feature facilitates easy service access to the enclosed space between DualCool’s vertical pre-cooler and the condenser coil.
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