If the pump is the heart of the DualCool system, the evaporative media sections are the lungs. These 8” thick blocks of “cross-corrugated” treated cellulose are the highest quality evaporative media available, squeezing near-maximum cooling from the evaporative process. The heavy, dark “edge-coat” that ICI specifies for the media front edge provides protection against UV-degradation and damage from hardness minerals where groundwater is used. Both the airstream and the water are cooled evaporatively as water flows evenly downward from the stainless steel reflector above the perforated top distribution pipe. The condenser fans on the rooftop unit cause the air to flow across the media before passing across the condenser coil. Most media sections are 24” wide to streamline installation and removal. They are grooved at the top for retention against the wind, and are retained at the bottom in a perforated stainless steel tray. Media sections are easily removed for cleaning. The 3 to 7 year media life is mostly variable with hardness mineral content of the water.